Affiliate Disclosure

I respect my readers & believe in honesty & transparency. That’s being said, I sometimes use affiliate links on this blog, but my opinion is not for sale. Every affiliate link I share is a product I find useful. Please always do your own research before making any purchase online.

My opinion & my integrity is paramount. I will never recommend something to you that I believe has no value.

Some post contains affiliate links. Purchasing through them helps to support my blog. Clicking on an affiliate link or signing up for a service or ordering a product may be earning me a commission which helps to keep this blog going & to pay costs associated with running a business, including hosting fees, blog design, and my own time.

If I review a product I think you all might find interesting, I will disclose if I received the item for free (and from whom). If such a thing isn’t mentioned, it’s because it’s an item I purchased myself or just happen to love and want to tell you about.

If you have any concerns, please feel free to email me at