Chris Weidman explained why his fight with Khamzat Chimaev failed


Chris Weidman explained why his fight with Khamzat Chimaev failed

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Chris Weidman explained why his fight with Khamzat Chimaev failed
Chris Weidman


“They offered me a fight with Chimaev, and I agreed,” the American said in an interview with Submission Radio. “Actually, I was delighted with this fight, but then I injured my rib and said that I would not be able to return until mid-January. I really wanted to fight Chimaev, because everything looks like everyone is afraid of him, and I always wanted to fight the best. If everyone thinks he’s so good, let’s check it out. “

“All my defeats were not dominant victories of rivals – they were fights that I won up to a certain point, so I was really interested in the fight with Chimaev, but then I found out that he was fighting with the third number in welterweight, which was rather strange. Thus, our fight with Chimaev will not take place in the near future “

Weidman made it clear that he would lose interest in the fight with Chimaev if he lost to Edwards.

“Probably yes. If he loses his next fight, my interest in fighting him is none. The fight with him is interesting to me only because of the hype that the UFC inflated around him, and if he loses, the hype will disappear, and he has nothing else “

Recall that the fight between Khamzat Chimaev and Leon Edwards will become the main event of the UFC tournament, which will take place on December 19 in Las Vegas.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”″][vc_column_text]

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