Colby Covington spoke about leaving the American Top Team

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UFC’s former interim welterweight champion, Colby Covington, has confirmed that he is no longer part of the American Top Team.

“I am no longer a member of the American Top Team,” Covington said in an interview with theScore. “From now on, I am a member of the Colby Covington Incorporated team. This is my team, and now you can complain about me right there ”

“We are still in the process of creating a team. I have some great trainers. In fact, I don’t have to really change the coaching staff and sparring partners. Basically, I have the same trainers and sparring partners, but now we are running our own business, which is in no way connected with American Top Team



“This is the best thing that has happened to me. The sun rises, the sun sets. One door opens, another closes. This is a hidden blessing. I’m really glad how things turned out. ”

However, Covington claims that he left the team of his own free will. And the fighter saved a good relationship with American Top Team founder Dan Lambert.

“I respect the owner of ATT Dan Lambert more than anyone else in the world. I will respect this guy until death. Ten years ago, he gave me the opportunity, right after graduating from college, to train at the club, providing me with housing and food. He gave me all the opportunities, and I am grateful to him for all the time I spent in the team, but all good things come to an end once ”

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