Dana White called the amount that the UFC will lose due to coronavirus

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UFC President, Dana White, called the amount that the organization will not receive this year due to the coronavirus epidemic. Because not allowing fans to attend the stands.

“The biggest problem with all sports, including ours, is that we cannot make money on tickets,” the UFC chief said at a press conference in Las Vegas. “We will lose more than $ 100 million this year. Much more than 100 million. It was easier to sit down, fold your arms and say, “Let’s wait until all this is over.” Waiting is a good option for most people because tickets cannot be sold. ”

“Why do you think new films are not coming out? It is already full of films that can be put up for sale, but they are afraid to lose hundreds of millions of dollars if they sell them without rental in movie theaters. From a financial point of view, it’s difficult for everyone now, but I continue to move forward. I do not care. I am ready to go through this. ”

Earlier, the head of the UFC said that fans should not wait in the next few months to return to the octagon Conor McGregor, who is the record holder of the organization for the sale of tickets and paid broadcasts.

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