Lexus IS

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Lexus IS 2021 model year will receive a V-shaped 8-cylinder engine.

An engine that did not become reserved for the production version of IS F. According to American automotive media. A decision has already been made to equip the new 5.0-liter V8 with a capacity of 471 hp. Currently used in the LC 500 and RC F.

Lexus IS


It is also already known that the brand in the next generation IS sedan decided not to release a sports version. And the Lexus IS 500 will be able to offer superior power and comfort over long distances. But it does not get a sports suspension and sharp handling.

According to rumors, the previous modified platform will be taken as the basis for the future sedan. But we must not forget that the Japanese manufacturer has a new TNGA-N architecture in stock. It is specially designed for eco-friendly cars.

Lexus IS

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Toyota has repeatedly declared its key goal the complete electrification of the model line. And on the way to its goal, it can create a compact sedan with an eye on hybrid powertrains.

More accurate information should appear closer to the premiere. Scheduled for the end of this year. One can only hope. That the current financial crisis will not force the manufacturer to retreat from their plans for a long time.

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