Here's the Louisiana state law for the felony. Will Nate Diaz be jailed if convicted for street altercation

The former UFC superstar Nate Diaz was recently involved in a street fight in New Orleans where he choked out a man and left him unconscious. While the man was initially unknown, he was later identified as Rodney Petersen, a trained fighter famous for his resemblance to Logan Paul.

Nate Diaz could end up facing up to 8 years in prison if he’s convicted for a recent street altercation.

Following the incident, the New Orleans Police Department issued an arrest warrant for Nate Diaz for second-degree battery. According to Louisiana state law, a second-degree battery can result in a fine of up to $2000 or imprisonment of up to eight years, or both.

Diaz’s team broke their silence after an arrest warrant was issued against the former UFC star and suggested that Diaz acted in self-defense, the statement read:

“Nate’s attorney Walter Becker can confirm that Nate has received word of the arrest warrant and Becker has been in contact with court authorities in New Orleans, Nate’s attorney looks forward to presenting all of the facts about this incident to the District Attorney which clearly demonstrate that a trained fighter named Rodney Petersen aggressively pursued Nate with the intention of engaging him and once doing so, Nate acted entirely in self-defense. No further comment will be made at this time.”

Nate Diaz arrest warrant: Is the former UFC star’s fight against Jake Paul in jeopardy?

Before the brawl happened, it was announced that Nate Diaz will make his pro-boxing debut against Jake Paul on August 5. However, the recent unfoldings might put the bout in jeopardy.

As mentioned earlier, an arrest warrant has been issued against Diaz and if found guilty, he could be imprisoned for up to 8 years. However, nothing is clear at the moment and the teams of Jake Paul and the former UFC star are yet to issue a statement about the scheduled fight for August 5.

Interestingly, KSI has already offered to step in as a replacement in case Nate Diaz is unable to fight because of the legal proceedings. The Brit YouTuber took to Twitter and said:

“Well, if that mean Jake won’t have an opponent in August…Then I’ll gladly come as the replacement after I KO Joe Fournier in May”

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