Italian girls racist TikTok video goes viral as University issues statement

Three Italian girls who were riding a train got exposed on TikTok for being racist. In the viral video, two of them could be heard mocking an Asian language and giggling endlessly.

Internet sleuths were quick to find the identity of the women in the clip. After being ousted for their antics, a university at which one of them studied released a statement announcing that an investigation into the incident would be conducted. In reaction to the trio getting doxxed online, one netizen wrote:

Netizen responds to the identity of the women being revealed (Image via Reddit)
Netizen responds to the identity of the women being revealed (Image via Reddit)

In the viral video uploaded by TikTok user @mahnooreu, the platform user records three young girls making fun of the TikToker’s Asian boyfriend and his mother. Two of the girls can be heard trying to mimic an Asian language. At one point, one of the girls can be seen waving towards the TikToker’s camera. The girls then seem to leave their seats. Throughout the video, two of them can be seen repeatedly looking in the TikToker’s direction.

After the video went viral across multiple social media platforms, internet users managed to find out who the racist women were. Twitter user @madelineceee claimed that one of the women, Elisa Tortora, studies at UniCatt, her friend Margherita Gentile studies at IULM university and the other women, Lucrezia De Vecchis studies at UNIMIB. The Instagram profiles of the three women were also found.

UniCatt issues statement in regards to the viral TikTok video

After the women were exposed online, UniCatt took to their official Instagram account to announce that they were investigating the matter at hand. They also stated that they would do whatever they could with the current university legislation, to hold the student accountable. They wrote online:

“The episode to which numerous comments that have appeared on social media refer in recent hours cannot in any way be attributed to the University, which reserves the right to carry out the necessary investigations into what happened and the related responsibilities.”

Comments under the profile were turned off at the time of writing this article. No other colleges have responded to the incident.

The Instagram accounts of the three women were turned private, with their profile pictures being removed as well, at the time of writing this article.

Social media users have been quick to find the identities of unknown people in videos in recent days. This has led to several people getting doxxed online. For those unversed, doxing refers to the personal information of a person being released online without their consent, for malicious intent. This could include someone’s home address, identification numbers, phone numbers or information pertaining to an individual’s family and acquaintances being released.

Several people have been doxxed, with private information being released online in recent days.

Most recently, TikToker Jackie La Bonita shared a video of two women making fun of her at a sports game. After a video of the same went viral, the names of the two bullies were released online. Some also allegedly found the company one of the bullies works at. The identity of one of the bullies’ boyfriends was also released online.

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