Kamaru Usman explained why he does not want to give revenge to Colby Covington

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The current UFC welterweight champion, Kamaru Usman, who continues to unsuccessfully challenge Conor McGregor, explained why he does not want to fight Colby Covington, who finished in the previous fight, again.

“Many people keep repeating, ‘revenge with Colby, revenge with Colby.’ But how does he really deserve a rematch? ”Said the Nigerian Nightmare in an interview with ESPN.
“Was he the champion I took the belt from? This is some kind of madness. The applicant fought for the title, was knocked out, and now everyone is repeating about some kind of revenge? Why all of a sudden? ”



“Someday I will definitely fight him again, because I liked our fight. I had fun in this fight, like everyone who watched it, but when people start saying, “give him revenge,” I have a reasonable question – why should I do this? Was he a champion? No, I was the champion, and I went out and defended my title ”

Recall that the welterweight title fight between Kamaru Usman and Colby Covington last December. Headed the UFC 245 tournament in Las Vegas. Fight ended with the victory of the current champion by TKO 50 seconds before the end of the final round.

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