Mesut Ozil slams Cristiano Ronaldo’s critics in astonishing social media rant

Mesut Ozil slams Cristiano Ronaldo’s critics in astonishing social media rant

Former Real Madrid midfielder Mesut Ozil has lambasted pundits and the media as a whole for the criticism laid on his former teammate Cristiano Ronaldo. The former Germany international claimed that the former Manchester United forward’s critics are doing so merely to attract attention. Ozil took to Twitter to express his disdain at the Portuguese…

Mesut Ozil and Arsenal have reached an agreement on early termination of the contract

Mesut Ozil and Arsenal have reached an agreement on early termination of the contract

Arsenal midfielder Mesut Ozil has reached an agreement in principle with the London club on the early termination of the contract, which was to continue until the summer of 2020. The 32-year-old German will complete his move to Fenerbahce as a free agent over the weekend, The Athletic reports. Ozil earned about 350 thousand pounds…

Mesut Ozil does not intend to leave Arsenal

Mesut Ozil does not intend to leave Arsenal

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