Joe Rogan Spotify

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UFC longtime commentator Joe Rogan signs exclusive deal

So, being the lead of the world’s most popular podcast, Joe Rogan has signed an exclusive contract. He did this with the Spotify streaming Internet service. Which will bring him more than $ 100 million.


Spotify representatives announced a deal with Rogan on Tuesday May 19th. After that, the UFC commentator made an official statement on this subject.

“Hello everybody! I have an ad – the podcast is moving to Spotify, ”Rogan said in the next issue.
“I signed a long-term contract with Spotify, which starts on September 1. Starting from this date, the entire JRE podcast library will be available as on Spotify. So on other platforms, and then, around the end of the year, the podcast will be exclusively presented on Spotify. Including its video version“

However, Joe Rogan noted. That the format of the show and its availability will remain the same.

“It will be the same show, but I do not become a Spotify employee. We will work with the same team. And do the same show. The only difference is that it will now be available on the world’s largest audio platform. Nothing else will change. It will still be free. You just need to go to Spotify to listen or watch it. ”

Note that Joe Rogan has been running his podcast “The Joe Rogan Experience” for eleven years. And according to Forbes, last year UFC commentator topped the ranking of the highest paid leading podcasts. This guy has earned more than $ 30 million over the reporting period.

What is it, get hit by Conor McGregor? Fighters appreciate his impact power.

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