Alexander Volkov revealed a plan to fight with Curtis Blaydes

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The Russian heavyweight Alexander Volkov, who will meet Curtis Blaydes in two weeks

Is not at all embarrassed by the fact that he goes to battle with the American with more than three-fold underdog.

ā€œIā€™m used to it because it has been going on all my career,ā€ Drago said in an interview with Sport24. ā€œThey never said that I would go out and demolish someone. Apparently, I make such an impression, due to my physique, maybe something else. Someone even wrote in the comments that Curtis Blaydes weighs more than me, although in fact he weighs the same, if not less. In terms of build and physique, he is very similar to me – heā€™s just not heavy, he doesnā€™t have any huge physical strength, but he has really very good wrestling skill and very good finishing skills in the stalls ā€


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ā€œOf course, the struggle is not my strongest side, but my strongest point is that I am very good at surviving in such positions, enduring, experiencing them, getting up, and amid the opponentā€™s tiredness, I can already work with him calmly. For me, his plan to go fight and try to do something below is obvious. There have been more than half of such fights in my career. A lot of guys with whom I fought were very good fighters, so I have already worked out tactics for such fights ā€

Recall that the duel between Alexander Volkov and Curtis Blaydes will be the main event of the UFC Fight Night 173 tournament, which will take place on June 20 at the UFC Apex arena in Las Vegas.

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