Video. Matt Hughes details what led to train accident

Of course, Matt Hughes may not think about it right now, but the truth is that the UFC Hall of Fame was in dire straits nearly four years ago.

Video. Matt Hughes details what led to train accident

“Pissed me off I didn’t put ChapStick on for 19 days,” Matt Hughes joked.

Those 19 days were spent in a medically induced coma after Hughes’ truck was hit by a train on June 16, 2017. As a result, Hughes suffered a Grade 3 diffuse axonal injury – a brain bleed. The outlook was grim.

The 19 days were spent in a medically induced coma after Hughes’s truck was hit by a train on June 16, 2017. As a result, Hughes received a diffuse axonal injury of the 3rd degree – cerebral hemorrhage. The outlook was bleak.

“I had the worst brain injury possible,” Hughes said.

Hughes managed to survive the encounter with death, but he had to start all over again and learn to walk, speak and function normally. His recovery is still ongoing, with physical therapy three times a week and cognitive therapy twice a week.

In the final episode of “Legend 2 Legend,” Hughes talked about what happened that day, what it took to survive, and how his life changed after the accident.

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