Philippe Coutinho

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“Bayern” footballer Coutinho undergoes ankle surgery

Greetings to all football fans! This article will focus about the Brazilian footballer of the German Bavaria, Philippe Coutinho. Now he plays in the Spanish “Barcelona”. He has successfully undergone surgery on his right ankle.

During surgery, free intra articular bodies were removed. About this was reported by the press service of Bavaria. At the same time, the reasons for which surgical intervention was required were not disclosed. According to Bild, Coutinho was found to have arthremphitis.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Within two weeks, the Brazilian player should begin the recovery program. And in a month and a half will be able to take part in full-fledged training. Good news for fans.

Coutinho defended the colors of the clubs “Inter” and “Liverpool” previously. And in the summer of 2018, he moved to Barcelona. For 145 million Euro! In August 2019, “Bayern” rented a football player until the end of the 2019/20 season.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]


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Thank you for reading the article. Stay with us on the site Be healthy and continue to love sports! 

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